One of the things we crave most as cigar lovers is the company of other cigar lovers. When being in that special fellowship is difficult, have you thought to listen to like-minded people who host podcasts on cigars and the cigar life? We’ve curated a few podcasts that are for cigar snobs on every level – beginners to veterans – and offer a diversity in thought. If you have a podcast you listen to or host, let us know. We’ll shout you out on Instagram and in our Facebook group. And if you decide to follow any of the podcasts listed, tell them we sent you.
A Weekly Society, Culture and Personal Journals podcast
CigarTableTalk is about new cigar smokers and Experience smokers learning new things and sharing information with you about Cigars, different places to smoke and reviewing cigars and Lounges take a trip with me on this Journey Of cigar life where you will explore new heights about the cigar life and what the culture has in store on the way learn about Cigar pairing with a host of guest and interviews.
Sips, Suds, & Smokes
A weekly Arts, Food and Society podcast
Everything good in life is worth discussing. Wine, Tea, Coffee, Whiskey, Beer, Cigars, BBQ, people who‘s first name starts with a Q, Ex-Amish, the State of Alabama, Roadkill, and Canadians.
Long Ash Podcast
A weekly Hobbies podcast
JR Cigars Presents: The Long Ash Podcast
The Cigarchitect Nick Libretti teams up with Beginner Greg Warger to discuss cigars, the industry and the mysteries of life.
Cigar Snob Podcast
Join the team from Cigar Snob Magazine — along with our guests — as we share cigars all manner of snobbery. We’ll talk travel, booze, the news of the day, and also recommend some of our favorite food, books, movies and products.
The Cigar Authority
A weekly Education, Comedy and Hobbies podcast
Tags: BOTL, cigar podcasts, cigar snob podcast, cigar table talk podcast, long ash podcast, sips suds and smokes podcast, SOTL, Suits and Cigars Society